
March made special with Aquamarine.



Manic March grips Winter
Grey fog
Thunderous clouds
Howling wind
Pelting rain
Agitated waters

Mild March invites Spring
Warm light
Serene sky
Pleasant breeze
Bright sun
Gentle currents

At times



February made special with Amethyst.


Of all Twelve of the Siblings, February is unique: The smallest in the litter, February is oft overlooked...

yet, there is much to February: The change in daylight, the delightful speed it bridges to March, the third month of the meteorological winter in the Northern Hemisphere, the twenty-eight days in common years, the twenty-nine days in leap years, the quadrennial twenty-ninth day always called the "leap day" … February set apart.

Suddenly important.

February made special.

Oh, yes, in red hued gratitude: we welcome February.

It gifts us, notably, with a Love Memorial and a Celebration of Family


January made special with Garnet.


It is the first month of the new year. It is two thousand seventeen.
It is January. It is the first day.

Brand new.

Unmarred by disappointments, sacrifices, complaints, demands, desires...

The resolve is strong, fervent even, to keep the new in the fresh start.

Oh, January, there is time enough for the happy to be shifted, shaken and dulled.

Time enough for that in the coming days

But for now, one minute into 2017: 

Let the happy be: strong, shiny, bright, bubbly. Let the happy keep its kindness, its goodness, its niceness...

Welcome, January. Welcome.